Tuesday, December 23, 2014

TTMT #108 - jewells68 - December 23, 2014 - Hats, Puffs, and Owl Post

In which I show off newly knitted hats, crocheted cosmetic puffs, and stuff from the lovely hp5freak.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

TTMT #106 - jewells68 - December 9, 2014 - A Whole Lotta Froggin' Goin On

In which I show off what's left of last week's knitted sweater. Talk about catbedfail, show off a couple of new Birthday Blocks and a bit more.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Finish it in '15

A little something we all do (or most crafty-types I know) going into a new year. I've pretty much written off my to-do list for 2014. I have a few things in my head that I'd like to get done, but odds are they won't due to *insert annoyed rant about work here*. 

So, I'm turning my shining face toward the new year, with a UFO list to finish in 2015. I'm a bit of a cheater. I like to cross things off, so although there are ten things on the list, 2 actual projects are divided into steps so that I can cross them off as I go, because I like it. :D

Finish it in '15 - 2015 UFOs
There. I will be ecstatic to cross all 10 off by the end of 2015. That being said, I'll be perfectly happy to cross only half of them off. Seriously. 

And NO STARTING NEW PROJECTS!!!!!! Unless I need to. You know. And have a concrete start and finish. You know how it is. ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

TTMT #105 - jewells68 - December 2, 2014 - Sweater Babble

In which I show (and blather on about) the sweater I've been knitting for ME as well as Birthday Blocks and a special knitted fandom-related item from hardhatcat.

About Me

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
This is my place to talk about crafting, what I make, and maybe even why I make it.