TTMT #540 - @nmjewells - February 25, 2025 - Interwoven (not) Diamonds
I'm back from a one-week hiatus after a brief bout of some sort of flu, and this week I am showing and telling about my next finish in the TTMTBoM, Interwoven Diamonds, from December. I decided once again to alter the pattern and removed the rectangles at the top and bottom of each of the 4 pattern segments, resulting in my diamonds floating in the background. The way I did this was extend a couple pattern lines on each of the 6 inch sections of the 12 inch block, reducing the number of pattern pieces and using a single fabric for everything except the diamond in each section.
This week I also talk about the 2025 Paper Piecing Club Pattern Series, the new patterns I'm designing each month to share with the folks that come to the Paper Piecing Club I host at the shop where I work, Hip Stitch. I've decided to make my original patterns for this series available as part of Miss P's Study Abroad Fundraiser, so the first pattern is now available as a pdf download on the Hip Stitch website, where they've graciously allowed me to continue to raise funds for Miss P's academic adventure in Japan. As with the rest of the items/patterns in this fundraiser, the majority of the proceeds of these sales goes directly to help my daughter pay for her Study Abroad this year (the rest just goes to cover things like cc fees, website fees, and taxes).
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